Slovenia Pinball Open 2025

9.5. – 11.5.2025

Slovenia Pinball Open 2025 will be held from the 9th to the 11th of May in Ljubljana. Book your calendars now!

Registrations will open HERE on 27.1.2025
Follow to get notified.

(Slovenian version below)


Biljardna Hiša Ljubljana – Slovenska
Slovenska cesta 58
1000 Ljubljana

Tournament Schedule

Friday, 9.5.2025 17:00 – 01:00 Warmup
Saturday, 10.5.2025 9:00 – 01:00 Main
Sunday, 11.5.2025 9:00 – 19:00 Knockout

Tournament Format

Friday – Warmup:

17:00 – Greetings and registrations
17:30 – Start of the Warmup tournament
We will play group matchplay with balanced settings. Participants can join at any time. The last chance to start a new round is at 22:29.
Tiebreakers will be played to decide the top 6.

Top six players will be divided into two groups of 3 and play 3 pinball machines using 7-3-0 scoring.

Every machine can only be played once from here on.
Players choose their machine in order by the final standings.

Winners from each group play best of 3 for the win.
2nd position from each group play best of 3 for 3rd place.
Highest standing from qualifications chooses first, then the loser chooses.

Saturday – Main Tournament (~300%):

08:30 – Venue opens
09:00 – 09:45 – Greetings, registrations, and awards ceremony (be on time)
09:45 – 10:00 – Registration is closed – tournament preparation
10:00 – 13:00 – Balanced group matchplay (3-4 players per pinball machine)
13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch break
14:00 – 18:00 – We continue with group matchplay until 13 rounds are completed
18:00 – 20:00 – Quarterfinals: Top 16 players will be divided into 4 groups and play 4 pinball machines (7-4-2-0 scoring).
20:00 – 22:00 – Semifinals: Top 8 players will be divided into 2 groups and play 4 pinball machines (7-4-2-0 scoring).
22:00 – 00:00 – 4 players will compete on 4 pinball machines, using a 7-4-2-0 scoring system.

The target is to achieve a 200% TGP value for the IFPA world ranking. Since this is the main Slovenian tournament and also counts for ECS (European Championship Series), it will receive an additional bonus for a total of 300% TGP value.

In simple terms, the winner will receive the most points in Slovenian tournaments.

Sunday – Fair Strike Knockout:

08:30 – Venue opens
09:00 – 09:45 – Greetings, registrations, and awards ceremony (be on time)
09:45 – 10:00 – Registration is closed – tournament preparation
10:00 – 13:00 – Fair strike knockout*
13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch break
14:00 – 19:00 – Fair strike knockout*

*Fair strike knockout: Each player will have X lives. In a group of 4 players, the strikes will be 0-1-1-2, and in a group of 3 players, it will be 0-1-2.

The goal is for most players to finish by approximately 16:00, and the finalists by 19:00.

Top six players will be divided into two groups of 3 and play 3 pinball machines using 7-3-0 scoring.
Remaining lives are carried on as points.

Every machine can only be played once from here on.
Players choose their machine in order by the final standings.

Winners from each group play best of 3 for the win.
2nd position from each group play best of 3 for 3rd place.
Highest standing from qualifications chooses first, then the loser chooses.

Tournament fees:

Warmup (Friday): €20
Main + Knockout (Saturday and Sunday): €65
Full Event Package (all three days, Friday to Sunday): €75

Pinball Machines

The list will be made about a month before the event

Number of participants

We limited the number of participants to 56 to ensure a better atmosphere, more accurate scheduling, and a good competitive experience.

Location information

We will play at “Biljardna Hiša Ljubljana – Slovenska 58“.

It is located in the lower level of the atrium in the open square in front of “Ljubljanska Borza”.

When you come to the address, you should see a large staircase down into the atrium. Go down the staricase and turn right 180°.
You can also look around for signs “Biljardna Hiša”.

The link below has a walkthrough.

NOTE: There was another “Biljardna Hiša Ljubljana” at Parmova 25, but it is sadly gone now. Just beware that you might get 2 search results.

Venue Website:

Venue Address:
Slovenska cesta 58
1000 Ljubljana

Access and Parking Details

Biljardna Hiša Ljubljana – Slovenska is on the outskirts of Ljubljana’s city center, at “Bavarski dvor.” It is easily accessible on foot or by public transport, with the main railway station and the “Bavarski dvor” bus stop nearby. It’s just a 10-minute walk to the city center.

Access by car is slightly more challenging, but there are parking options available nearby. Street parking (if you find a spot) is payable from 7:00 to 19:00 (€1.30/hour).

We recommend leaving your car at your hotel and walking to the location.

Food and drinks

Biljardna Hiša Ljubljana sadly doesn’t offer food any more. They still have toasts and tortilla sandwiches.

As we will be in the center of Ljubljana, there are many other food options nearby if you feel like trying something different. Please consider the tournament schedule if going out to lunch and be back on time.

Some options close by:
Fast food:
Fari’s – oriental fast food
Olimpija Burek
Nobel Burek & Kebab

Restavracija Fresco
Pizza & Restaurant Fugazzi
Sufret Beirut – Lebanese restaurant

Food and drinks bought elsewhere are not alowed at the location. Also you can’t order food to the location from other restaurants.
The venue is letting us use a big portion of their floor space, so please respect this.


Special thanks to our sponsors, who made this event possible.
Providing us with 4 new machines.
Providing transport van for moving machines.
Amazing stickers and transparents.

Organizer and Contact

The tournament organizer is Vid Kuklec, along with an exceptional team of assistants. 😉


(Slovenian version)

Registracija bo na tej strani, 27.1.2025 ob 20:00
Spremljaj da ne zamudiš


Biljardna Hiša Ljubljana – Slovenska
Slovenska cesta 58
1000 Ljubljana

Termini turnirjev:

Petek, 9.5.2025 17:00 – 01:00 Warmup (turnir za ogrevanje)
Sobota, 10.5.2025 9:00 – 01:00 Main (glavni turnir)
Nedelja, 11.5.2025 9:00 – 19:00 Knockout (turnir na izpadanje)

Okvirni sistem tekmovanj:

Petek – Warm-up:

17:00 – Pozdrav in prijave
17:30 – Start Warm-up turnirja

Igramo group matchplay z balanced nastavitvami. V kolikor kdo pride kasneje, se lahko kadarkoli pridruži. Ob 22:29 je zadnja možnost, da začnemo novo rundo. 

Od tu naprej, je vsak fliper lahko izbran samo enkrat.
Najboljših 6 se razvrsti v 2 skupini in igrajo 3 fliperje (točkovanje 7-3-0)

Zmagovalca iz vsake skupine igrata 3 fliperje za zmago.
Drugouvrščena iz vsake skupine igrata 3 fliperje za tretje mesto.

Sobota – Main (~300%):

08:30 – Lokacija odpre vrata
09:00 – 09:45 – Pozdrav, prijave in podelitev (bodite točni)
09:45 – 10:00 – Prijave so zaprte – priprava turnirja
10:00 – 13:00 – Balanced group matchplay (3-4 igralci na fliper)
13:00 – 14:00 – Odmor za kosilo
14:00 – 18:00 – Nadaljevanje group matchplay dokler ne dosežemo 13 rund. 
18:00 – 20:00 – Četrtfinale: Najboljših 16 se razvrsti v 4 skupine in igrajo 4 fliperje (7-4-2-0).
20:00 – 22:00 – Polfinale: Najboljših 8 se razvrsti v 2 skupini in igrajo 4 fliperje (7-4-2-0). 
22:00 – 00:00 – 4 tekmovalci igrajo 4 fliperje, točkovanje 7-4-2-0.

Cilj je 200% TGP vrednosti za svetovno lestvico. Ker je to glavni slovenski turnir in šteje tudi za ECS (European Championship Series), dobi še dodatek za končnih 300%. 

Preprosto povedano – zmagovalec bo dobil daleč največ točk na slovenskih turnirjih. 

Nedelja – Fair Strike Knockout:

08:30 – Lokacija odpre vrata
09:00 – 09:45 – Pozdrav, prijave in podelitev (bodite točni)
09:45 – 10:00 – Prijave so zaprte – priprava turnirja
10:00 – 13:00 – Fair strike knockout*
13:00 – 14:00 – Kosilo
14:00 – 19:00 – Fair strike knockout*

*Fair strike knockout: Vsak bo imel X življenj. V skupini 4-ih tekmovalcev bo izgubljenih 0-1-1-2, v skupini 3-h tekmovalcev pa 0-1-2.

Najboljših 6 se razvrsti v 2 skupini in igrajo 3 fliperje (točkovanje 7-3-0)
Preostala življenja v kvalifikacijah odločajo pri izenačenju.

Zmagovalca iz vsake skupine igrata 3 fliperje za zmago.
Drugouvrščena iz vsake skupine igrata 3 fliperje za tretje mesto.


Seznam fliperjev bo obljavljen približno mesec dni pred tekmovanjem

Omejitev tekmovalcev:

Omejitev števila tekmovalcev na 56 smo sprejeli zaradi zagotavljanja boljšega vzdušja, bolj točne časovnice in boljše tekmovalne izkušnje. 

Podrobnosti lokacije:

Igrali bomo v “Biljardna Hiša Ljubljana – Slovenska 58“.

Vhod je v spodnji etaži atrija na ploščadi pred Ljubljansko borzo.

Ko prideš na naslov, bi moral videti veliko stopnišče, katero vodi v spodnjo etažo atrija. Na dnu stopnišča se obrni desno 180°.
Vse bo bolj jasno, ko boš tam 🙂
Lahko tudi pogledaš okoli za kažipote “Biljardna Hiša”

Na spodnjem linku je tudi nekaj slik in sprehod skozi biljardnico.

OPOMBA: Biljardna Hiša Ljubljana je imela tudi staro lokacijo na “Parmovi 25”, ampak je žal ni več. Samo v info, da lahko potencialno najdete dve lokaciji.

Spletna stran prizorišča:

Naslov prizorišča:
Slovenska cesta 58
1000 Ljubljana

Dostop in parkiranje

Biljardna Hiša Ljubljana – Slovenska je na robu centra mesta Ljubljane, na “Bavarskem dvoru”. 

Boljše lokacije za dostop peš ali z javnim prevozom si tako ne bi mogli želeti. 

Praktično zraven glavne železniške postaje, tik ob avtobusni postaji “Bavarski dvor” in 10 minut peš do čistega centra mesta. 

Dostopnost z avtom je malo slabša, vendar so še vedno na voljo parkirišča v bližini. Parkiranje na ulici (če najdeš mesto) je plačljivo od 7h do 19h (1,30 €/h). 

Predlagamo, da pustite avto pri svojem hotelu in se do lokacije odpravite peš.


Biljardna Hiša Ljubljana na žalost nima več lastne kuhinje.

Na voljo so še vedno toasti in tortilja sendviči.

Ker bomo v centru Ljubljane, je v bližini tudi ogromno drugih ponudnikov prehrane, kamor se lahko odpravite. 
V tem primeru prosim upoštevajte časovnico turnirja in bodite nazaj pravočasno.

Nekaj predlogov v bližini:
Fast food:
Fari’s – oriental fast food
Olimpija Burek
Nobel Burek & Kebab

Restavracija Fresco
Pizza & Restaurant Fugazzi
Sufret Beirut – Lebanese restaurant

Prepovedan je vnos hrane in pijače kupljene drugod. Na lokacijo tudi ni dovoljeno naročanje hrane iz drugih restavracij.
Biljardna Hiša nam omogoča uporabo velikega dela njihove lokacije, zato prosim spoštujte to.


Posebna zahvala gre našim sponzorjem, kateri so omogočili ta dogodek:
Priskrbeli nam bodo 4 nove fliperje za tekmovanje
Posodili nam bodo transportni kombi za prevoz fliperjev
Imajo čudovite nalepke in transparente za vsako željo

Organizator in kontakt:

Vodja tekmovanj je Vid Kuklec, skupaj s pomočjo ekipe izjemnih asistentov 😉,